Dr.h.c. Prof. Ing. Dusan MALINDZAK, CSc.

 Dr.h.c. Prof. Ing. Dusan MALINDZAK, CSc.

Technical University of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia, EU


He is a professor at the Industrial Logistics and Transport Institute, BERG Faculty, Technical University Košice and is the guarantor of engineering and doctrand study and guarantor of habilitation and inauguration proceess for scientific branch Logistics. He is too a professor at the Department of Logistics, Faculty of Management, Politechnika Rzeszów (Poland).

Since 1996 is a visiting professor at the University of Vaasa (Finland), where is since 2006 Dr.h.c..

Is a chaimran of the doctoral study board for Industrial Logistics PhD. at FBERG, TU Košice and the member of the doctroal study boards at HGF Ostrava and Transport Faculty ČVUT Praha.

His research and teaching activities are oriented to the fields of production logistics, He is expert for modeling, simulation and design of logistics systems. He is the member of the Slovak logistics chamber and one of the logistics auditors.

The aplication research for industrial company in Slovak Republic for example Chemosvit Svit, SEZ Krompachy, USS Košice Ltd. etc. He is a autor more than hundred projects for industrial company. From this is his orientation in solution the projects in the frame of APV and APVV agencies.

He is a garant of Transport and Logistics scientific journals (Beograd) and member of editional board of the journals Acta montanistica Slovaca and Sustainable Economy.

He published more than 250 scientific publications in journals, conferences, projects and he is author and co-author 12 monographs in Slovak, Poland, Finland, England.

He guaranted the international conference CLC (Carpathian Logistics Congress).
